To Hold On To

August 25, 2019 · Green

A Better Fate Than Wisdom (My Blood Approves, part 1/2)

1.0 Stiles walks into the bathroom to pee and freezes when he sees his eyes glowing. Beta yellow. What the actual fuck? The problem? Stiles doesn’t remember being bitten. He knows it’s the full moon (he always keeps track of the moon phase). He’s been restless but he’d chalked it up to anxiety. His stomach starts churning and he feels trapped. Paralyzed. And now he watches his eyebrows disappear and feels the prick of his own claws....

Dare and Mischief's Epically Awesome Road Trip of Fun

The night of the winter formal is chaotic. A lot of stuff goes down. Lydia is attacked by Peter Hale. Derek is rescued from being tortured by Kate Argent. Who is subsequently killed by Peter. Who is then killed by Scott, proving an old myth true by becoming human again. Just like he wanted. Amidst all of this, Peter Hale asks Stiles Stilinski if he wants the bite in a parking garage....

The Syntax of Things (My Blood Approves, part 2/2)

“Derek, are mates a thing?” “Yes.” “And…???” “Wolves can chose to mate, like humans chose to marry.” “So it’s not some kind of mystical moon destiny?” “Stop reading werewolf smut, Stiles.” “Shut up! But explain.” “Mating is a kind of magic. It requires intent and consent. So a wolf can’t mate a human unless they know what mating is. Especially since it’s for life.” “Is there some kind of sex ritual or whatever?...