We Hunt Those Who Hunt Us (The Totally Normal (no supernatural allowed) College Adventures of Stiles Stilinski, part 5/5)

Derek was going about his normal business. That business being, of course, following Stiles around town. It wasn’t for any particular reason. He just liked stalking Stiles once in a while! Sue him. Sometimes he just liked watching Stiles go about his normal day. Liked watching him do mundane things. It wasn’t out of possessiveness. It wasn’t! Derek just liked seeing Stiles being happy and himself, is all. If it also happened to satisfy his more predatory instincts…...

June 11, 2020

Getting Out (But Still In), (The Totally Normal (no supernatural allowed) College Adventures of Stiles Stilinski, part 1/5)

Stiles grabbed onto college as a way to get out of the supernatural. He loved Scott and the pack. He did. He didn’t love the constant danger. When it all had started, it seemed like an adventure. Sort of. It obviously had gotten real very quickly. He’d thrown himself into it because he needed to be there for Scott. Because it was the right thing to do. He’d spent his last years of high school fighting....

No One Gets Out of Here Alive (The Totally Normal (no supernatural allowed) College Adventures of Stiles Stilinski, part 2/5)

1 Stiles almost groans when he spots the werewolf three rows away in his freshman English class. For the first time, it isn’t because he’s being forced to take freshman English. No. This groan is because there’s a werewolf sitting three rows away. He’d gone to college to get away from the supernatural. Okay. He can do this. There is no reason for the girl to pay him any attention. He’d taken at least ten showers in the past few days in the hopes of scrubbing the stench of werewolf off of him....

The Hunter of Those Who Get Out (The Totally Normal (no supernatural allowed) College Adventures of Stiles Stilinski, part 4/5)

Peter knows himself. His vices and virtues (the few he has, anyway). He embraces being a predator. Enjoys stalking and hunting. He’s a master manipulator and few things bring him as much pleasure as seeing his plans come together. He’s watching his prey. This moment has been years in the making. Getting here had taken all his skill. The challenge of a lifetime. It would be the zenith of his genius!...

Those Who Get Out Become the Hunted(The Totally Normal (no supernatural allowed) College Adventures of Stiles Stilinski, part 3/5)

When Derek decided that he really couldn’t take one more awful thing happening to him and left Beacon Hills, he found himself drawn back to New York. Other than the years with his pack in Beacon Hills, New York was the only other place that had felt like home. He’d only had Laura but they’d made it work. Cities were hard on werewolves but could also be easy, depending on your situation....