A Catalogue of a Most Unusual Hoard (A Most Unusual Hoard, part 4)

Stiles really did think that the very best thing about being a dragon was his ability to perfectly recall any and every one of Derek’s smiles in his hoard. It meant he got to experience the joy of any given smile as if it were the first time. He wasn’t even going to pretend like he didn’t have favourites. There were certain smiles he relived on days when he was feeling down....

A Compendium of Draconic Instinct (A Most Unusual Hoard, part 2)

Stiles’ birthday goes something like this: He wakes up and has breakfast with his dad. Goes to school. Has a small party with the pack. Turns into a dragon. He’d adamantly told his friends not to surprise him. He doesn’t much like surprises these days. So turning into a dragon wasn’t a welcome surprise. Not the worst but… Who the fuck expects to turn into a dragon on their eighteenth birthday!...

A Most Unusual Hoard (A Most Unusual Hoard, part 1)

When Stiles turned eighteen he, to the surprise of everyone, turned into a dragon. He wasn’t quite a were-creature since dragons were more magic than anything else. How else could he shift mass into something significantly larger? He could definitely do partial shifts with claws and scales and such. Everyone was happy since with the scales he was very damage resistant and he healed quickly. Derek was happy for Stiles. He was....

A Treatise on Draconic Hoarding Behaviours (A Most Unusual Hoard, part 3)

1 Derek can honestly say that he’s the happiest he’s been since the fire. He has a draconic mate who thrives on making him happy and a pretty okay pack. There’s certainly more teasing than he thinks is strictly necessary but he bit a bunch teens who turned out to be unruly and sassy. So, basically, he turned a bunch of teens. He only has himself to blame. Being with Stiles has mellowed him out....

Stiles is the Worst Vampire

When Stiles came awake he was pissed. He almost wished he had a moment of disorientation instead of being perfectly aware of where he was and what had happened. Some asshole vampire had turned him. He was not going to let her get away with it. He looked around and several pieces of wood would work quite nicely as an emergency stake. Christ, but he was thirsty. Because he needed to drink blood....

This Body is Empty

色不异空, 空不异色, 色即是空, 空即是色 When the Nogistune knocked on the door, Stiles let it in. Stiles went from something to nothing. The Nogistune was void and so was he. Stiles realized he had a problem when he heard about how Noshiko told everyone that the Nogistune was a demon. A creature of chaos. It was a problem because it wasn’t true. How could Void be chaos? Chaos was something and the whole point of voids is that they are nothing....

We Regret to Inform You

After the bout of energetic sex and another few mouthfuls of Derek’s amazing blood, they decided it was time to tell Stiles’ dad. Stiles was not looking forward to it. At all. But at least he wasn’t the evil undead! Just, you know, undead. They went up to his house and he used his key to open the door and, yup, he couldn’t get in without an invitation. “Daaad,” he whined, “you need to invite me into the house because I can’t come in....