Brick by Brick

Derek climbed into Stiles’ window. He froze because everything felt wrong. Stiles wasn’t sitting at his computer flipping through a million tabs. Or doing homework. Or playing videogames. No, he was lying in bed. Doing nothing. Still. Derek had never seen Stiles be so still. So used to Stiles’ frenetic energy. All flailing limbs and enthusiasm. Not to mention the smell in the room. It was heavy. None of the brightness Derek was used to....

changing everything carefully

The alpha pack is dangerous. No one knows what they want but they’ve been making their presence known. Especially to Stiles. He can barely step outside his door without one of them lurking or stalking him. It’s incredibly annoying. Also scary. But mostly annoying at this point. Eventually he learns the reason: he’s a human who is essentially at the periphery of the pack. He smells enough like them to draw attention but not enough to seem claimed....

Getting Out (But Still In), (The Totally Normal (no supernatural allowed) College Adventures of Stiles Stilinski, part 1/5)

Stiles grabbed onto college as a way to get out of the supernatural. He loved Scott and the pack. He did. He didn’t love the constant danger. When it all had started, it seemed like an adventure. Sort of. It obviously had gotten real very quickly. He’d thrown himself into it because he needed to be there for Scott. Because it was the right thing to do. He’d spent his last years of high school fighting....

Stiles is the Worst Vampire

When Stiles came awake he was pissed. He almost wished he had a moment of disorientation instead of being perfectly aware of where he was and what had happened. Some asshole vampire had turned him. He was not going to let her get away with it. He looked around and several pieces of wood would work quite nicely as an emergency stake. Christ, but he was thirsty. Because he needed to drink blood....

The Adventure We Call Life

Neighbours Derek remembers the first time he scented Stiles. The house down the lane had been empty for a while. As much as werewolves were known and there was peace between them and humans, most humans didn’t want to rent a house on pack lands. Or, really, to live in a wolf controlled territory. So Derek had been surprised to smell humans on the breeze. He was only seven and super curious so he followed his nose down the lane....

To Wear Your Pride on Your Sleeve

Pride Stiles had a problem. A fashion problem. It was a problem because he liked his clothes and the way he dressed. It was comfortable and he felt attractive. Something pretty much everyone in his life had a hard time believing. How could he feel attractive in baggy clothes and flannel? Sporting the grunge look when it wasn’t the right kind of retro? Some people thought he was trying to hide his body because he wasn’t as cut or bulky as many of his friends....

We Regret to Inform You

After the bout of energetic sex and another few mouthfuls of Derek’s amazing blood, they decided it was time to tell Stiles’ dad. Stiles was not looking forward to it. At all. But at least he wasn’t the evil undead! Just, you know, undead. They went up to his house and he used his key to open the door and, yup, he couldn’t get in without an invitation. “Daaad,” he whined, “you need to invite me into the house because I can’t come in....