changing everything carefully

The alpha pack is dangerous. No one knows what they want but they’ve been making their presence known. Especially to Stiles. He can barely step outside his door without one of them lurking or stalking him. It’s incredibly annoying. Also scary. But mostly annoying at this point. Eventually he learns the reason: he’s a human who is essentially at the periphery of the pack. He smells enough like them to draw attention but not enough to seem claimed....


Friday When he’d been growing up, Stiles had imagined all sorts of exciting futures. He’d be a cop, like his dad, and be a hero. Or he’d be a scientist who discovered the cure for cancer. Instead… He worked as a data entry clerk. For a tiny wage. But he had benefits, at least. He spent day after day stuffed into a cubicle interacting with almost no one. His life was sad and lonely....

The Adventure We Call Life

Neighbours Derek remembers the first time he scented Stiles. The house down the lane had been empty for a while. As much as werewolves were known and there was peace between them and humans, most humans didn’t want to rent a house on pack lands. Or, really, to live in a wolf controlled territory. So Derek had been surprised to smell humans on the breeze. He was only seven and super curious so he followed his nose down the lane....