Fic Review of “Enhancing Effective Interpersonal Dynamics in the Workplace”

Congrats to this fic for finally getting me off my ass to write reviews for fics? Ugh. This story made me so mad. I’ll own up to having some… biases. Especially towards Derek. I love the guy, ok? I generally think it’s kind of shitty that he has a reputation for being a failwolf. That being said… This fic totally takes the ‘Stiles knows how to run a pack and what it means to be a good alpha’ to it’s extreme but logical conclusion....

April 29, 2020

On Building an IKEA Den for an Alpha Werewolf by idek_idic

November 25, 2013

A Teen's Guide to Pack Dynamics

“I thought you said this was a pack meeting?” Erica said with a sharp edge to her tone. It grated on Derek’s nerves. He knew he only had himself to blame—he’d bitten teens and now he was responsible for them. At least until they were adults and he could drive them out of his territory. Whenever they wondered about his short temper and harshness, it took everything in him to tell them it was because they weren’t pack but he was still responsible for them and, thus, had to tolerate them in his territory....

Take Leave (of your senses)

Chapter 1 “I need to get out of this town. I need a break,” Stiles said. He was weary. Tired to his fucking bones. He figured if anyone understood this, it would be Derek. Derek just grunted. They were just sort of crashed out on Derek’s couch after yet another cluster fuck. Just them. Everyone else had gone home to do their thing (with each other or alone). Stiles’ dad was working a night shift and he didn’t want to be alone....