Fic Review of “Enhancing Effective Interpersonal Dynamics in the Workplace”

Congrats to this fic for finally getting me off my ass to write reviews for fics? Ugh. This story made me so mad. I’ll own up to having some… biases. Especially towards Derek. I love the guy, ok? I generally think it’s kind of shitty that he has a reputation for being a failwolf. That being said… This fic totally takes the ‘Stiles knows how to run a pack and what it means to be a good alpha’ to it’s extreme but logical conclusion....

April 29, 2020

A Better Fate Than Wisdom (My Blood Approves, part 1/2)

1.0 Stiles walks into the bathroom to pee and freezes when he sees his eyes glowing. Beta yellow. What the actual fuck? The problem? Stiles doesn’t remember being bitten. He knows it’s the full moon (he always keeps track of the moon phase). He’s been restless but he’d chalked it up to anxiety. His stomach starts churning and he feels trapped. Paralyzed. And now he watches his eyebrows disappear and feels the prick of his own claws....

A Growl-to-English Dictionary

Use Your Words “Oh my god! You’re here. In a grocery store. Shopping,” Stiles cackled with glee. Derek was instantly annoyed, “I do eat you know.” “Yeah, but I always assumed you just hunted down Thumper or whatever,” Stiles waved a hand. Derek rolled his eyes. He was pretty sure that Scott and Stiles would never see him as an actual person. With feelings. He just turned to walk away....

A Teen's Guide to Pack Dynamics

“I thought you said this was a pack meeting?” Erica said with a sharp edge to her tone. It grated on Derek’s nerves. He knew he only had himself to blame—he’d bitten teens and now he was responsible for them. At least until they were adults and he could drive them out of his territory. Whenever they wondered about his short temper and harshness, it took everything in him to tell them it was because they weren’t pack but he was still responsible for them and, thus, had to tolerate them in his territory....

Hiding (in plain sight)

“Get out.” Stiles didn’t know what to make of Derek’s tone. He’d normally take an opening like that as an invitation to banter but… there was something flat and cold about Derek’s tone. For the first time in a really long time, Stiles felt a touch of fear. “Hey… sourwo–” “Got out. Now.” Derek growled, his red alpha eyes almost like lasers. Stiles felt his heart start to race because he was pretty sure he’d never been more afraid of Derek than he was in this moment....

Might be a Predator

Derek was almost to Beacon Hills when the bond to his alpha snapped. So. Some wolf killed his sister and alpha. Stole her spark. This wasn’t something Derek was willing to accept. It takes Derek a few days too long to situate himself. By the time he’s ready to get started, the police have already found half his sister’s body and the new alpha has bitten some kid. He doesn’t care much about the new beta beyond the fact that he might be a way to track the alpha....

Not Like the Other

Prologue It wasn’t until the Great Pack Schism that Stiles realized that he didn’t understand werewolves nearly as well as he thought. It’s probably because he has two alphas to compare, when before he’d only had Peter and Derek to compare. And despite how not great Derek was at the whole alpha thing, he looked like a saint next to Peter. Then the whole alpha pack mess started, Scott is suddenly the True Alpha, and werewolves were choosing sides....


Stiles didn’t realize how much he counted on and needed Derek’s protection until the day it was gone. And he had no one but himself to blame for the cold, empty dread he was currently experiencing. Because he was alone and pretty sure he was about to die. Alone. It fucking sucked. Derek was growling and yelling at Stiles about being reckless. Stiles wasn’t really listening since he’d heard it all before....

The Worst Thing About Werewolves

Perhaps the worst thing about werewolves was their love of nature. Stiles? Did not love nature. He didn’t like the bugs, the lack of plumbing, and he especially didn’t like the lack of wifi. However, because the pack was mostly werewolves, they’d decided that they needed to go camping – as a pack. Stiles didn’t get it because they could run around as they pleased in the preserve while he stayed near toilets and wifi....

To Wear Your Pride on Your Sleeve

Pride Stiles had a problem. A fashion problem. It was a problem because he liked his clothes and the way he dressed. It was comfortable and he felt attractive. Something pretty much everyone in his life had a hard time believing. How could he feel attractive in baggy clothes and flannel? Sporting the grunge look when it wasn’t the right kind of retro? Some people thought he was trying to hide his body because he wasn’t as cut or bulky as many of his friends....