A Growl-to-English Dictionary

Use Your Words “Oh my god! You’re here. In a grocery store. Shopping,” Stiles cackled with glee. Derek was instantly annoyed, “I do eat you know.” “Yeah, but I always assumed you just hunted down Thumper or whatever,” Stiles waved a hand. Derek rolled his eyes. He was pretty sure that Scott and Stiles would never see him as an actual person. With feelings. He just turned to walk away....

A Victory March

When Stiles is eight he learns that nothing will be the same. It isn’t because his mom dies. (Although it changes everything, it’s still mundane. A terrible and boring tragedy.) His dad comes home one day after work and sits Stiles down for a talk. He explains that werewolves and all the monsters are real. They’re real and not hiding under anyone’s bed anymore. That they aren’t really monsters but nice people like the Hales....

Dare and Mischief's Epically Awesome Road Trip of Fun

The night of the winter formal is chaotic. A lot of stuff goes down. Lydia is attacked by Peter Hale. Derek is rescued from being tortured by Kate Argent. Who is subsequently killed by Peter. Who is then killed by Scott, proving an old myth true by becoming human again. Just like he wanted. Amidst all of this, Peter Hale asks Stiles Stilinski if he wants the bite in a parking garage....

Good Father (Unforgiven, part 2/2)

It’s only been a few weeks since the nogitsune was given its eviction notice when Stiles shows up at Derek’s door clutching his pillow. Stiles knocks. It’s the first time he’s ever knocked when he knew Derek was home. To Derek, this is, perhaps, one of the biggest signs of how deeply the possession has impacted Stiles. In the past, Stiles never once hesitated to barge in, regardless of how Derek felt about it....


Friday When he’d been growing up, Stiles had imagined all sorts of exciting futures. He’d be a cop, like his dad, and be a hero. Or he’d be a scientist who discovered the cure for cancer. Instead… He worked as a data entry clerk. For a tiny wage. But he had benefits, at least. He spent day after day stuffed into a cubicle interacting with almost no one. His life was sad and lonely....

Might be a Predator

Derek was almost to Beacon Hills when the bond to his alpha snapped. So. Some wolf killed his sister and alpha. Stole her spark. This wasn’t something Derek was willing to accept. It takes Derek a few days too long to situate himself. By the time he’s ready to get started, the police have already found half his sister’s body and the new alpha has bitten some kid. He doesn’t care much about the new beta beyond the fact that he might be a way to track the alpha....

Not Like the Other

Prologue It wasn’t until the Great Pack Schism that Stiles realized that he didn’t understand werewolves nearly as well as he thought. It’s probably because he has two alphas to compare, when before he’d only had Peter and Derek to compare. And despite how not great Derek was at the whole alpha thing, he looked like a saint next to Peter. Then the whole alpha pack mess started, Scott is suddenly the True Alpha, and werewolves were choosing sides....

Open Your Eyes (Unforgiven, part 1/2)

“How’s Stiles doing? He out of the hospital yet?” Parrish asks him. Noah is taken aback, because as far as he knows, Stiles isn’t in the hospital. He clears his throat, “Yeah, he’s doing better.” A vague answer because Noah doesn’t want to make it look like he doesn’t know. Especially if Stiles actually is in the hospital. Parrish smiles and nods. Noah goes straight to the hospital. He tracks down Melissa and before he can say anything, she asks, “Are you here to see Stiles?...

Rabbit Stew

It started with a very bloody and very dead rabbit on his front step. It said something about Stiles’ life choices that the sight of something that might’ve once made him throw up, just set off a low current of dread in his stomach. Hard to be super grossed out by a dead rabbit when you’ve been on the verge of cutting someone’s arm off. Or seen that same person gutted on his feral uncle’s claws....

The Worst Thing About Werewolves

Perhaps the worst thing about werewolves was their love of nature. Stiles? Did not love nature. He didn’t like the bugs, the lack of plumbing, and he especially didn’t like the lack of wifi. However, because the pack was mostly werewolves, they’d decided that they needed to go camping – as a pack. Stiles didn’t get it because they could run around as they pleased in the preserve while he stayed near toilets and wifi....