We Hunt Those Who Hunt Us (The Totally Normal (no supernatural allowed) College Adventures of Stiles Stilinski, part 5/5)

Derek was going about his normal business. That business being, of course, following Stiles around town. It wasn’t for any particular reason. He just liked stalking Stiles once in a while! Sue him. Sometimes he just liked watching Stiles go about his normal day. Liked watching him do mundane things. It wasn’t out of possessiveness. It wasn’t! Derek just liked seeing Stiles being happy and himself, is all. If it also happened to satisfy his more predatory instincts…...

June 11, 2020

The Technology of Concrete I. by sdlucly

January 29, 2014

A Sunday Kind of Love (Golden Days 2/?)

Stiles stirs out of sleep because he needed to pee like five minutes ago. Of course, Derek is wrapped around him like a fucking wereoctopus so it takes him five excruciating minutes to extricate himself. He stumbles into the bathroom and doesn’t bother turning on the light. He leaves the door open enough to let some light in. Doesn’t want to fuck up his night vision and wake himself up more....

A Victory March

When Stiles is eight he learns that nothing will be the same. It isn’t because his mom dies. (Although it changes everything, it’s still mundane. A terrible and boring tragedy.) His dad comes home one day after work and sits Stiles down for a talk. He explains that werewolves and all the monsters are real. They’re real and not hiding under anyone’s bed anymore. That they aren’t really monsters but nice people like the Hales....

Getting Out (But Still In), (The Totally Normal (no supernatural allowed) College Adventures of Stiles Stilinski, part 1/5)

Stiles grabbed onto college as a way to get out of the supernatural. He loved Scott and the pack. He did. He didn’t love the constant danger. When it all had started, it seemed like an adventure. Sort of. It obviously had gotten real very quickly. He’d thrown himself into it because he needed to be there for Scott. Because it was the right thing to do. He’d spent his last years of high school fighting....

just a number

Stiles stops. He stops because Derek Hale is walking down the street in his direction. He has a moment to hate the world just a little because Derek is improbably hotter than he was the last time Stiles saw him. The last time he saw him was twelve or thirteen years ago. Derek has grey hair in his beard. He’s also softer; physique not as cut as before. Stiles might even guess that he doesn’t have abs anymore....

No One Gets Out of Here Alive (The Totally Normal (no supernatural allowed) College Adventures of Stiles Stilinski, part 2/5)

1 Stiles almost groans when he spots the werewolf three rows away in his freshman English class. For the first time, it isn’t because he’s being forced to take freshman English. No. This groan is because there’s a werewolf sitting three rows away. He’d gone to college to get away from the supernatural. Okay. He can do this. There is no reason for the girl to pay him any attention. He’d taken at least ten showers in the past few days in the hopes of scrubbing the stench of werewolf off of him....

quiet love

It’s after they’ve graduated and Stiles is about to leave for college when he comes to Derek’s loft. He knocks. Something he’s been doing and Derek can’t quite remember when it started. It still strikes him as odd, since Stiles always used to barge in. Derek opens the door. Stiles’ heart is elevated and he smells nervous. It makes Derek worried. “So, um, I’m heading off to college and I wanted to tell you something before I go… Okay, I’m just going to blurt it out....

Staying in Place

Stiles stares at the letter. It’s the result of his application to be a summer intern at the FBI. His dad has always been his hero. He’d set his sights on the FBI because, well, why not? He could be a hero. Just like his dad. Especially after surviving high school. He feels crushed. Like the last bit of optimism he had about the future just snuffed out. Long nights finishing his homework....

Thank You for Being a Friend (Golden Days 1/?)

Stiles didn’t think he’d ever actually reach the tender age of eighty. Had been pretty convinced, at times, that he wouldn’t live until he graduated high school. Here he was, though, in his death bed. And, wow, that sounded so dramatic. But… he was dying. And in a bed. So… Derek was sitting off to the side and wasn’t that a surprise. He’d thought he and Scott would be the bromance of the ages....