A Teen's Guide to Pack Dynamics

“I thought you said this was a pack meeting?” Erica said with a sharp edge to her tone. It grated on Derek’s nerves. He knew he only had himself to blame—he’d bitten teens and now he was responsible for them. At least until they were adults and he could drive them out of his territory. Whenever they wondered about his short temper and harshness, it took everything in him to tell them it was because they weren’t pack but he was still responsible for them and, thus, had to tolerate them in his territory....

Another Word

1 After seeing the wreck his father turned into after his mom’s death, Stiles Stilinski decided that soulmates were bullshit and he didn’t want to have anything to do with them. The fact that he lived in a world where they were an actual thing irritated him to no end. The whole thing was bullshit! You could be going about your perfectly ordinary day, cross paths with some stranger, and—bam!—you just met your fucking soulmate....

Just Say No to Peer Pressure (and Beaches)

Stiles hates the beach. Hates it. With the fire of a thousand burning suns. Convenient, since burning is about the only thing he does at the beach. He’s all pale skin and freckles! Even with sunscreen, it takes about half an hour for him to start burning. Combined with the fact that he had a sort of bad – okay, awful – experience with water not too long ago, he isn’t thrilled when someone in the pack mentions going to the beach....

Staying in Place

Stiles stares at the letter. It’s the result of his application to be a summer intern at the FBI. His dad has always been his hero. He’d set his sights on the FBI because, well, why not? He could be a hero. Just like his dad. Especially after surviving high school. He feels crushed. Like the last bit of optimism he had about the future just snuffed out. Long nights finishing his homework....