We Hunt Those Who Hunt Us (The Totally Normal (no supernatural allowed) College Adventures of Stiles Stilinski, part 5/5)

Derek was going about his normal business. That business being, of course, following Stiles around town. It wasn’t for any particular reason. He just liked stalking Stiles once in a while! Sue him. Sometimes he just liked watching Stiles go about his normal day. Liked watching him do mundane things. It wasn’t out of possessiveness. It wasn’t! Derek just liked seeing Stiles being happy and himself, is all. If it also happened to satisfy his more predatory instincts…...

June 11, 2020

A hug a day (keeps the werewolves away)

October 30, 2019 · im_not_a_lizard

Brick by Brick

Derek climbed into Stiles’ window. He froze because everything felt wrong. Stiles wasn’t sitting at his computer flipping through a million tabs. Or doing homework. Or playing videogames. No, he was lying in bed. Doing nothing. Still. Derek had never seen Stiles be so still. So used to Stiles’ frenetic energy. All flailing limbs and enthusiasm. Not to mention the smell in the room. It was heavy. None of the brightness Derek was used to....

Might be a Predator

Derek was almost to Beacon Hills when the bond to his alpha snapped. So. Some wolf killed his sister and alpha. Stole her spark. This wasn’t something Derek was willing to accept. It takes Derek a few days too long to situate himself. By the time he’s ready to get started, the police have already found half his sister’s body and the new alpha has bitten some kid. He doesn’t care much about the new beta beyond the fact that he might be a way to track the alpha....