His Mossy Boy by R. Cooper

You might’ve been able to guess from my review of Treasure for Treasure that it’s my favourite of the Being(s) in Love series. His Mossy Boy is easily my favourite audiobook in the series. This isn’t to say that I don’t enjoy the book itself, I do. Ian is probably my favourite romantic interest of the entire series. Well, maybe my favourite butch romantic interest. He’s all broad and muscular with chest hair and shit and he’s so, so gentle and caring with Martin....

January 8, 2020

Treasure for Treasure by R. Cooper

It isn’t a big secret that this might actually be my favourite urban fantasy series of all time. I mean… what’s not to love about it? It’s basically the Ultimate in queer urban fantasy1. Like. Look: this story has an Indigenous MC and a mixed Asian (two different kinds of Asian) ’trans’ MC. This is sooooo fucking gay. In the queer way. Lmao. This is also my favourite book in the series so far....

June 23, 2019

A Boy and His Dragon

September 16, 2018

Little Wolf

I have to say… this book is quite possibly one of the most frustrating books I’ve ever listened to. If miscommunication is a thing that you Do Not Like, then you should avoid this book. It took me forever to finish because I would get so frustrated with the characters I would rage-quit for like a month. And its a long fucking book. So. I think I actually had to sit and read parts of it to get through (since I read much much faster than the audio narration)....

November 7, 2016

Re-Review of Little Wolf

I’ve listened to the book again. And, honestly? My last review was terrible and entirely unfair. So I’m reviewing it again! Way back then, I didn’t really understand what R Cooper was trying to accomplish with the book. I viewed the whole thing as a mess of miscommunication. Miscommunication that created unnecessary angst and conflict. Which is something that tends to frustrate me to no end – part of how I’m autistic....