I surprisingly like this book enough that I’ve listened to it several times. It’s a pretty solid hurt/comfort situation with some GFY (Gay For You) tossed in. One of the MC’s has a shitty past with abuse (with resulting facial scaring and mental illness – speaking of which TW for self-harm in the book). The other MC is a big, strapping cowboy who just wants to love and cuddle him.

So, yeah, it works for me. And this is despite the… somewhat ridiculous aspects of the plot.

Like how easily and quicky he manages to cook food for a bunch of people. Or how, despite being EXTRA poor, this guy manages to own leather pants. I have no idea why so many mm authors think that gay men regularly go out in leather if they aren’t attending some kind of kink related activity. This and silk shirts. Outside of kink night, I’ve never seen someone wear leather pants. If only bc they’d be hellaciously uncomfortable whilst dancing. And who wants to ruin expensive silk by sweating heavily in it????

The other thing that got me about the book is the way the author keeps referring to one of the MC’s as “the teenager”, makes him sound younger than he needs to be. Like. He is an adult. So. Like. You know.

All this aside, I do have to admit that I’m a sucker for this kind of hurt/comfort plot. Because, yeah, I definitely would’ve enjoyed having a big, strong, and kind man comfort me when shit was at its worst for me. This book is a pretty decent way to indulge in that fantasy (particularly since it doesn’t involve shades of BDSM for those who aren’t into that). It also isn’t heavily sex focused, which is always a plus.

The audiobook is narrated by Jeff Gelder who… is not a favourite of mine. He is on the border for narrators who can hurt a book. Something about the rhythm and cadence of his voice.

Still. I obviously think the book is worth listening to.

(Trigger Warnings for self-harm, child abuse, and sexual assault)