The Rebuilding Year is the first book in the same-titled series by Kaje Harper and narrated by Gomez Pugh. It’s a kind of slow burn, GFY book (although, I think both men end up identifying as bisexual). And while there ends up being a whole… mystery? Suspense? angle that aspect is almost more like a sub-plot. The book is somewhat more focused on the relationship between the MCs.

And this is, in my opinion, a good thing. Particularly since the relationship is a good one to experience. Since both men are new to the whole ‘gay’ thing, they’re unsure, hesistant, and don’t really know what the fuck they are doing. However, Harper keeps them (and us) focused on the feelings so that, even despite their challenges, they continuously turn to each other, rather than away. It makes the romance feel real.

The other aspect I appreciated is how the struggle with sexual identity was handled. In so many books in this genre sexual identity feels like a cheap tool used to generate angst and drama. Here its more thoughtful. Yes, both men struggle with their identity but it feels more exploratory than angsty. And this isn’t to say that their emerging identities and relationship have no negative consequences. Rather that the struggle is a little less about accepting themselves and more about trying to navigate a society that is suddenly oppressive, when as cishet white men shit was pretty easy for them.

Gomez Pugh is another favourite of mine and he does a great job with this book. To me, his narration reflects the somewhat more quiet, thoughtful approach to the romance. I’m just really happy I have a series narrated by him that doesn’t feature gay cops.