Our Secret Wedding is book on of the Sky High Scaffolders (SHS) series written by H.J. Perry and narrated by Tod Scott. The book follows two Uber Butch Macho guys, Connor and Lee. After Connor sees Lee kissing some guy in the streets, he knows he finally has a guy worth doing gay shit with. Or something.

See. The thing is, is that Connor is bi. Except… no one seems to have told Lee who constantly engages in bi-erasure by constantly stating things as a gay/het dichotomy. Connor is firm in his identity but just never felt it was worth the trouble to date guys when he was knee-deep in pussy. It’s different with his childhood friend (who apparently never thought much of him based on what we hear from Lee’s thoughts).

The thing that got me the most about this book (and there were many frustrating aspects) was why in the world Connor would actually want Lee. Given that Lee never thought they were all that close, his constant erasure and dismissal of Connor’s identity, and his unbelievably patronizing attitude… why is he so desirable after all? I have no fucking clue. We are, I think, supposed to understand all of this as ‘insecurity’ when it comes of as abusive and controlling. Connor is continuously forced to prove himself and Lee isn’t satisfied until he gets what precisely what he wants.

It’s hard to derive any real feelings of romance from this.

The narration by Tod Scott is adequate but… not that great. He wasn’t all that consistent in the timbre/deepness of either main character’s voice.